Foreign disputes

The dynamic development of markets for the goods and services offered by companies to areas beyond the country’s borders, as well as the concomitant development of trade cooperation with foreign entities often leads to disputes arising between these business partners. 

In such situations, the Law Firm offers its assistance and professional legal representation in domestic litigation in international civil proceedings, where there is a need to determine the jurisdiction of the courts and the applicable law, including on the basis of the provisions of Community law, as well as the CISG Convention. 

The firm also has extensive experience in representing clients’ interests in domestic and foreign arbitration disputes, including before permanent arbitration courts such as those at the Polish Chamber of Commerce, or Lewiatan in Warsaw, and VIAC in Vienna, as well as before arbitration courts established on and ad hoc basis to resolve a specific dispute under various regulations. 

The Firm’s practice in arbitration disputes is also drawn from the long-standing experience of the Firm’s Partners participating in the resolution of disputes as arbitrators and in connection with the day-to-day duties of Partner Boguslaw Soltys as President and Partner Maciej Skore as Vice President of the Arbitration Court at the Lower Silesian Chamber of Commerce in Wroclaw, respectively.