Legal assistance in establishing associations, foundations, trade unions – Wroclaw

In the developing civil society, in recent years, the activities of associations, foundations, trade unions and other social organizations, bringing together their members on a voluntary basis to pursue common ideals and promote certain values, have gained great importance. These nonprofit organizations are subject to specific legal regulations, and their activities require compliance with a number of formal requirements regarding the manner of financing and transparency of operations.

Our specialists, therefore, provide assistance both in the process of establishing and registering associations, foundations, trade unions and other social organizations (we advise on the choice of the appropriate legal form, preparation of acts of incorporation, preparation of registration documents), and ongoing advice on their operation (we prepare drafts of internal acts, including resolutions, we advise on the responsibilities of foundations, associations and other social organizations), cooperation with public authorities, raising funds from grants, transformation of associations, transfer of assets and donations to foundations and associations, cooperation with supervisory authorities, and liquidation and other ways to end the activities of the described forms of social participation.

Establishment of foundations and associations, including drafting of contracts and statutes and registration of established entities in the relevant registers, ongoing legal services and advice, including:


drafting contracts related to the day-to-day operations of foundations and associations;

  • servicing the bodies of foundations and associations;
  • servicing foundations and associations with regard to their relations with employees;
  • assistance in obtaining the status of a public benefit organization (PBO), including analysis and adjustment of the provisions of the statute of a given organization in terms of their compliance with the Act of April 24, 2003 on public benefit activity and volunteerism (Journal of Laws No. 96, item 873, as amended).

Litigation, including:


  • conducting cases in administrative proceedings before state and local government administrative bodies and before administrative courts;
  • conducting cases in proceedings before civil courts;
  • Representation before arbitration courts;
  • liquidation of the activities of associations and foundations.