legal adviser
Legal adviser since 2005. Associated with the Firm since 2004. Graduate of the Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics at the University of Wroclaw.
In the Firm she is responsible for legal assistance to entrepreneurs in the financial sector. She has experience in providing legal assistance to banks (she served AIG Bank Polska S.A., Santander Consumer Bank S.A., Sygma Bank S.A. Poland branch) listed companies, manufacturing companies, agent networks (franchising) and individuals. She specializes in civil law, business law, consumer law, RODO and issues of the so-called “frank” processes. Author of numerous legal opinions and positions, consultant and negotiator of contracts, participant in product teams, litigation attorney, advisor, speaker on such topics as contract outsourcing; author of articles on ethics in the practice of the profession.
Long-time secretary and arbitrator in the Arbitration Court at the Lower Silesian Chamber of Commerce. Judge and Deputy Chair of the District Disciplinary Court of the District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Wroclaw.
Civil and commercial and consumer law, contract law in business, personal data protection, banking law, litigation law.